F-104战斗机:美国空军的超音速之星 F-104战斗机是美国洛克希德公司在20世纪50年代中期研制的一种单座单发全天候超音速战斗机,也是美国空军的世纪系列战斗机之一。该飞机以其独特的外形、高速性能和多项世界纪录而闻名,被称为“星式战斗机”(Starfighter)。F-104战斗机的设计目标是在高空高速状态下执行拦截和空优...
F-104C Starfighter机体性能图鉴 机体名F-104C Starfighter 类别 Multirole SPD A MOB C STA C DEF B ATA B ATG C 购入价格 0 解放条件 ミッション4クリア 注解:SPD:速度、MOB:可动性、STA:安定性 DEF:耐久力、ATA:对空性能、ATG:对地性能 通常兵装 兵装名弹数(装填数)MSL 64 FLR 6 特...
Aircraft: Lockheed F-104C Starfighter Airline: United States - US Air Force (USAF) Serial #: 383-1232 Photo Location Palmdale - KPMD USA - California Photographer Nick Sheeder Photos | Profile | Contact Tim Donell 57-0915 527 5 0 Lockheed F-104C Starfighter Angel Natal 57-0915 ...
This is the Hasegawa 1/48 F-104C Starfighter. The kit is built straight from the box except for a Black Box cockpit detail set. The natural metal finish is Testors ModelMaster Buffing Aluminium, with burnt metal, stainless steel mixed to various shades with a protective coat of Johnsons Kle...
在皇牌空战7的未知空域中,F-104C Starfighter,这款诞生于上世纪五十年代的美国超音速战斗机,以其经典魅力加入了游戏。下面是一份详细的介绍,帮助玩家更好地理解这款战斗机在游戏中的表现。F-104C在游戏中的定位是多用途战斗机,拥有出色的性能参数。它的速度(SPD)和机动性(MOB)强大,能够轻松...
Aircraft: Lockheed F-104C Starfighter Airline: United States - US Air Force (USAF) Serial #: 383-1232 Photo Location Palmdale - KPMD USA - California Photographer Patrick Weis Photos | Profile | Contact Nick Sheeder 57-0915 277 1 0 Lockheed F-104C Starfighter Tim Donell 57-0915...
原贴:https://live.warthunder.com/post/908033/en/ Charlotte E. Yeager's F-104A/C Starfighter Works on both the A and C variants of the starfighter.
Volumes have been written about the F-104, nuff said. Numerous kits have been released in various scales since the F-104 first flew and I could no doubt fill pages about those kits. In 1/72 scale nine model manufacturers have produced all versions of the Starfighter. Most of the kits ...
日期- 2025-01-31 00:46:58 Map -Any map F-104C, serial 57-0925, "Smoke II" of the 435th TFS, 8th Tactical Fighter Wing, based at Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, circa June 1966 - June 67. Requires the F-104C mod by VSN, located here: ...
詹姆斯 莫里亚蒂 提交新资源: F-104A 星战士 & F-104C通用 强袭魔女 夏洛特·E·叶格涂装 - 搬运转载 原贴:https://live.warthunder.com/post/908033/en/ Charlotte E. Yeager's F-104A/C Starfighter...