Libertango Yo-Yo Ma Essential Yo-Yo Ma 18 A Beautiful Life Lindsay Lohan A Little More Personal 18 Autumnsong Manic Street Preachers National Treasures - The Complete Singles 18 L!VE拉活 莫文蔚 就i Karen 莫文蔚精选 18 I'm Yours Jason Mraz I'm Yours 18 Make It Mine Jason Mraz We Sing....
Picture this presentation homies against homie Check yo hood before it goes under Tight up your game nobody's gettin' younger Check yo hood before it goes under Tight up your game nobody's gettin' younger Don't touch your own we betta stop fighting ...
Nigga kill yourself, you a dead man walkin' L. T. Got life and homie still ain't talkin' So all of them niggaz puttin' wires on Don't say nuttin' when your family get fired on They say your man took the stand and he didn't think twice They took his life and they didn't thi...
Nickelus F: Yeah.106 & Parkcame randomly. I had just moved to this new apartment, got a new job, and my man called me like, "Yo, you got to go to New York tomorrow." And I'm like "I can't go to New York tomorrow, I just started a job. I got to go...
Homiedontstandonthecampaign Laybacklikeit'snotyouwho'schampion Layback,wewon,onetime,wegetallhigh,totheblikecloseto Wego,weride,wego,wefly,we'reperfectfromtheheatwegoto.. Convict,we'renotsickless, Gettingeverybodytolaunchsickness Thenthe...
d.男女青年的代号:一般年轻男女多用teens称呼,但也有用Homeboy的代号,而另一个字Homie,虽是亲密称呼之意,但多和"帮派"勾当有关,不过现今也成为好友的代号。而对男性的称呼,常用的有boy, man, bro(brother的缩写), crew, buck, fufe, dis等,非常口语化,而对女性的称呼,则不尊重多了,如girl, bitch, sis...