#在f-string中包含反斜杠字符 filename = "example.txt" path = f"The file path is {filename} and it is located in C:\\Users\\Public" print(path) # 输出: The file path is example.txt and it is located in C:\Users\Public 3. 如果需要在f-string中包含反斜杠字符本身,说明如何进行转义...
The f-string expression part cannot include a backslash, a type of SyntaxError that often occurs when a backlash is used between the curly braces of a formatted string. This error can be complex to resolve. This guide will give you a walkthrough about the f-string expression part that canno...
Received the following error when running on PopOS Linux: (.venv) pk@pop-os:~/exo$ python3 main.py File "/home/pk/exo/main.py", line 55 print(f"Chat interface started:\n{'\n'.join([' - ' + terminal_link(web_chat_url) for web_chat_url in ...
SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include '#' 在上面的示例中,我们使用了三引号生成多行的字符串,当我们尝试增加注释时,程序却报错了 最后,f-string 还有另一个限制——f-string中的嵌套级别数受 Python 中可用的字符串分隔符的限制,这些分隔符是"、'、"""和''' >>>f"""{...f'''{......
# SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash 3.2 打印双括号{} 用f字符串打印{}的方法是不同的, 非常容易出bug。这次我们不能使用反斜线。 name = 'Yang' # 1 print(f'{name} is a full stack hacker.') # 'Yang' is a full stack hacker. ...
f-string 不能在 {} 内使用转义,但可在 {} 外进行转义,如下: print(f"{'\''}") # SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash print(f"\'") # ' 如果确实需要在 {} 使用转义,则应当将包含 \ 的内容单独声明为一个变量: s = '\'' print(f"{s}") # ' 对齐 f-stri...
>>>f"he\'ll go to {'shang hai'}""he'll go to shang hai">>>f"""he introduces himself {"I\'m Tom"}"""File"<stdin>",line1SyntaxError:f-stringexpressionpartcannotincludeabackslash>>>f"""he introduces himself {"I'm Tom"}"""he introduces himself I'm Tom" 2.4...
>>> f"newline: {ord('\n')}"File"<stdin>", line 1SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash>>> newline = ord('\n')>>> f'newline: {newline}''newline: 10' 多行f-string f-string还可用于多行字符串: ...
1、f-string简介 python3.6引入了一种新的字符串格式化方式:f-tring格式化字符串。从%s格式化到format格式化再到f-string格式化,格式化的方式越来越直观,f-string的效率也较前两个高一些,使用起来也比前两个简单一些。 同时值得注意的是,f-string就是在format格式化的基础之上做了一些变动,核心使用思...
name='Yang'# Correct Way:print(f'\'{name}\' is a full stack hacker.')#'Yang'is a full stack hacker.# 错误方式:print(f'{\'name\'} is a full stack hacker.')# SyntaxError:f-string expression part cannot include a backslash