检验统计量(test statistic):进行假设检验所使用的统计量,如:u 、 t 、 x2 、 f等。幻灯片12(三)单侧检验与双侧检验单侧检验:在拒绝h0之后,或者接受ha:>0 ;或者接受ha:<0的检验称为单侧检验。前者称为上尾检验,后者称为下尾检验。双侧检验:在拒绝h0之后,接受ha:0的检验称为双侧检验。由专业知识确定...
统计推断 样本 第五章 统计推断 Statisticalinference 1、统计推断概念 统计推断(Statisticalinference)是通过样本统计量对相应总体参数所做的非确定性的推估。统计推断是以各种样本统计量的抽样分布为基础。2、统计推断途径及内容 统计假设检验 单个样本的统计假设检验两个样本的差异显著性检验拟合优度检验方差分析回归分析...
A.The test ha one-sirejection region.B.The null hypothesis is ththe two groups are pennt.C.If there are two categories, eawith three levels or groups, there are sixgrees of freem. A is correct. The test statistic inclus squarefferences between the observenexpectevalues, so the test invo...
例如:零假设是测试版本的指标均值小于等于原始版本的指标均值,备择假设是测试版本的指标均值大于原始版本的指标均值。 检验统计量(test statistic):用于假设检验计算的统计量。 例如:Z值、t值、F值、卡方值。 显著性水平(level of significance):当零假设...
Could an F-statistic lead to rejection in this circumstance? Use a diagram to help explain why or why not. 选项: 解释: Yes. When the regressors are very positively correlated, then this can happen. The t-stats are small because the variables are highly co-linear, so that the variation ...
We can fix therejection regions拒绝域 , when the test statistic falls on , the researcher would reject the null hypothesis. From , we can fix the another region, calledaccept region(接受域). When the test statistic falls on , i.e. sample mean falls on . We would accept . 显著性水平 ...
f-model f-operator f-rpp semigroup f -space f-statistic f-test fob value fo circulating pump s fq-rational points faber-krahn inequalit face face angle of a polyh face angle of a polyh face centered face centered cubic face of a dihedral an face of a polyhedron face of a simplex fa...
沈阳理工大学徐静霞版统计学 (12)第6章 假设检验 LOGO 第6章假设检验 6.1假设检验的基本原理 6.2总体均值的检验6.3总体比例的检验 学习目标 假设检验的基本原理。掌握假设检验的基本思想和假设检验中的一些基本问题,包括如何陈述假设、假设检验中的两类错误和显著性水平、检验统计量和拒绝域以及利用P值进行...
If the test statistic falls in the rejection region then the null hypothesis can be rejected otherwise it cannot be rejected. The steps to find the f test critical value at a specific alpha level (or significance level), αα, are as follows:...
SELECT VARIANCE(DECODE(cust_gender, 'M', cust_credit_limit, null)) var_men, VARIANCE(DECODE(cust_gender, 'F', cust_credit_limit, null)) var_women, STATS_F_TEST(cust_gender, cust_credit_limit, 'STATISTIC', 'F') f_statistic, STATS_F_TEST(cust_gender, cust_credit_limit) two_sided_...