sigma-f共7 aldrich安全数据表.pdf,SIGMA-ALDRICH SAFETY DATA SHEET Version 4.6 Revision Date 01/13/2015 Print Date 12/13/2015 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Product identifiers Product name : Forskolin Product Number : F6886 Brand : Sigma CAS-No
1.3Detailsoftherofthesafetydatasheet :Sigma-Aldrich 3050SpruceStreet SAINTLOUISMO63103 USA ephone: Fax: 1.4Emergencyephonenumber EmergencyPhone#:(314)776-6555 2.HAZARDSIDENTIFICATION 2.1Classificationofthesubstanceormixture GHSClassificationinaccordancewith29CFR1910(OSHAHCS) ...
MAINSail 6.0 F 毒素安全数据表_datasheet MAINSAIL™ 6.0 F FUNGICIDE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1.PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME:Mainsail™ 6.0 F Active Ingredient:Chlorothalonil Chemical Name:Tetrachloroisophthalonitrile Chemical Formula:C8CI4N2 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION:PROKōZ, Inc.10...
Spotrete F商品安全数据表_datasheet Safety Data Sheet Revision date 12-21-2015 Product identifier Product name Spotrete ™ F EPA Reg. No.45728-26-1001 Other means of identification Product code 51197 UN-No UN3082 Synonyms None Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Re...
ABB has a wide range of products and services, including power and automation technologies, which help customers to improve energy efficiency, productivity, and safety. ABB's products include transformers, switchgear, motors, drives, robotics, and various other automation products. The company also pr...
with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards for their hardware, software and systems which minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of Product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or ...
在产 2005年 ¥9.635 数据手册(8) 器件3D模型 规格参数 代替型号 (10) 反馈错误 by 价格库存 规格参数 数据手册 代替型号 TSW-108-08-F-D-RA 全球供应商 全球供应商 (6家) 刷新货币单位: 需求数量: -+ 含%增值税 供应商发货地库存数量交期(天)MOQ货币1+10+100+1K+10K+购买 ...
Chemical Safety Data Sheet MSDS / SDSOmeprazole EP Impurity FRevision Date:2025-02-15Revision Number:1 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier Product name: Omeprazole EP Impurity F CBnumber: CB61176089 CAS: 125656-82-8 Synonyms: ...
VOCO Clip F 型号产品材料安全数据表说明书 VOCO Material-Safety Data Sheet (Directive 91/155/EEC) 1 Names of Material, Preparation and Company trade name:manufacturer/supplier address:information sector:emergency information:Clip F VOCO GmbH Anton-Flettner-Str. 1-3 D - 27472 Cuxhaven Scientific ...
Maintenance of the safety data shall be ensured by means of protective circuits. Fig. 17.3 Marking on Packing for EN60747 Fig. 17.4 Marking Example (Note) Note: Fig. 17.5 Marking Example (Note) The above marking is applied to the photocouplers that have been qualified according to option (...