The F minor seventh Chord for Piano has the notes F Ab C Eb and interval structure 1 m3 5 b7.Full name: F minor seventh Common abbreviations: Fm7 F-7 Fmin7 Fminor7 F-7 Fmin7 Fminor7 Chord Sound: Chord Structure: Notes F Ab C (o) Eb Intervals 1 m3 5 (o) b7 (o...
小三和弦(minor triad):由根音、小三度和纯五度构成的和弦。例如:A小三和弦(A-C-E)。F小三和...
Home > Chord Database > piano > F > minor third > normal 5th > minor 7th > not inverted > Fm7 add(11)Fm7 add(11) Piano ChordAka: F-7 add 11 Fmin7 add 11 Fminor7 add 11The F minor seventh add 11 Chord for Piano has the notes F Ab C Eb Bb and interval structure 1 m3 ...
v– C minor, C minor seventh (Cmin, Cmin7) VI – Db major, Db major seventh (Dbmaj, Dbmaj7) VII – Eb major, Eb dominant seventh (Ebmaj, Eb7) Piano Chords In The Key Of F Minor The following piano key chord chart shows all the triads in F minor as well as four note exte...
More: the F minor guitar chord on fret 3 and fret 8. The F 7th chord The F 7th guitar chord's notes: 1(F) - 3(A) - 5(C) - b7(Eb). F7 chord's recommended scale: Mixolydian scale. See the F seventh guitar chord in detail with midi audio sound samples! More: the F7 gu...
The above notes create a chord that is constructed with a root, a major third, a perfect fifth and a minor seventh. Songs That Use the F7 Chord The versatility of the F7 chord is evident by the number of songs and genres where it can be heard. From up-tempo funk to the catchier en...
F Dominant Seventh Flat Nine Chord Change the root and the type to get an instant visual representation of how the chord looks. Select a root C♭ C C♯ D♭ D D♯ E♭ E E♯ F♭ F F♯ G♭ G G♯ A♭ A A♯ B♭ B B♯ Select a type Major Minor Power 7...
2. Minor Seventh Chord: Constructed by adding a minor seventh to a minor triad (root, minor third, and perfect fifth), this chord often has a sad or introspective quality. 3. Dominant Seventh Chord: A dominant seventh chord is formed by a major triad with a minor seventh added on top....
Fm(maj7) F minor, major seventh Whole Note F rootFlat Note Ab b3rdWhole Note C 5thWhole Note E 7th 111123Barre 6 with Finger 1FCG#FEC xx1243FG#EC 5frxx1124Barre 2 with Finger 1ECG#F 8frx11324Barre 5 with Finger 1CFG#EC 13frxx3214CG#FEWe currently don't have any songs ...
The notes of theF sharp minor natural scaleare: F# G# A B C# D E Chords in natural minor keys follow the pattern,minor diminished major minor minor major major. i–F sharp minor, F# minor seventh (F#min, F#min7) iidim – G# diminished, G# minor seventh flat five (G#dim, G#m...