介绍了最最常用的一种和弦进行“C Am F G”(不用死记硬背哦,多用几遍就忘不掉啦!)。This is an introduction of one of the most common Chord Progression: C Am F G. (Use it often, and you'll never forget the chord progression.) * 欢迎留言,一起交流交, 视频
Chord-Melody Tension 27 Chord Progression Novelty 65 Chord Bass Melody 79 In terms of chords and melody, Chaconne in F Minor is more complex than the typical song, having above average scores in Chord Complexity, Melodic Complexity, Chord Progression Novelty and Chord-Bass Melody. About...
爱给网提供海量的循环&音乐小样资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的和弦级数(Am F C G Chord Progression), 本站编号45076029, 该循环&音乐小样素材大小为1019k, 时长为00:05, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为1411k, 采样率为44100k, 更多精彩循环&音乐小样素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作...
ST_lowerCaseMinorChords, ST_chordStyle, ST_chordsXmlFile, ST_chordDescriptionFile, ST_concertPitch, ST_createMultiMeasureRests, ST_minEmptyMeasures, ST_minMMRestWidth, ST_hideEmptyStaves, ST_dontHideStavesInFirstSystem, ST_gateTime, ST_tenutoGateTime, ST_staccatoGateTime, ST_slurGateT...
PURPOSE:To easily obtain a chord progression of desired music by selecting plural chord progressions from a chord progression data base means according to a user's instruction and editing the chord progression of the music based on the selected chord progressions according to a user's instruction....
duration=1.0};{midiNote=rootNote+value+4duration=0.125};{midiNote=rootNote+value+7duration=1.0}|]|(value,Minor)->[|{midiNote=rootNote+value duration=1.0};{midiNote=rootNote+value+4duration=0.125};{midiNote=rootNote+value+7duration=1.0}|] ...
爱给网提供海量的循环&音乐小样资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的吉他环3 F G Am G公司(Guitar Loop 3 F G Am G), 本站编号45158467, 该循环&音乐小样素材大小为1m, 时长为00:08, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为1411k, 采样率为44100k, 更多精彩循环&音乐小样素材,尽在爱给网。
CHORD PROGRESSION DETERMINATION DEVICE AND PROGRAMPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To automatically generate a melody with optimum progression of chords by obtaining chord progression data wherein a pattern of progress of chords is maintained.AOKI EIICHIRO青木 栄一郎...
CHORD PROGRESSION DETERMINATION DEVICE AND PROGRAM 专利名称:CHORD PROGRESSION DETERMINATION DEVICE AND PROGRAM 发明人:AOKI EIICHIRO,青木 栄一郎 申请号:JP特願2002-55587(P2002-55587)申请日:20020301 公开号:JP特開2003-255941(P2003-255941A)A 公开日:20030910 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利附图:摘...