The above notes create a chord that is constructed with a root, a major third, a perfect fifth and a minor seventh. Songs That Use the F7 Chord The versatility of the F7 chord is evident by the number of songs and genres where it can be heard. From up-tempo funk to the catchier en...
4724 1 1:19 App 1分钟搞懂所有三和弦 1806 1 0:31 App 五度圈构建各种和弦Circle of 5th | Chord builder| Major, Minor, 7th chord & diminished 2470 1 3:35 App 【中字】下克上!三和弦比起复杂和弦更有效的情形【作曲】浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息...
1.大七和弦(Major 7th Chord) 大七和弦由大三度、完全五度和大七度组成,其构成为根音-大三度-完全五度-大七度。大七和弦的和弦符号通常为大写字母加上“Maj7”,例如Cmaj7表示C大七和弦。 2.小七和弦(Minor 7th Chord) 小七和弦由小三度、完全五度和小七度组成,其构成为根音-小三度-完全五度-小七度...
1. 大七和弦(Major 7th Chord) 大七和弦由根音、大三度音、纯五度音以及大七度音组成。它具有明亮、稳定的音响特点,常被用于爵士乐和流行音乐中的慢歌曲演奏。例如,在C大调中,C大七和弦的符号表示为Cmaj7。 2. 小七和弦(Minor 7th Chord) 小七和弦由根音、小三度音、纯五度音以及小七度音组成。它相比...
Change the root and the type to get an instant visual representation of how the chord looks. Select a root C♭ C C♯ D♭ D D♯ E♭ E E♯ F♭ F F♯ G♭ G G♯ A♭ A A♯ B♭ B B♯ Select a type Major Minor Power 7 maj7 m7 sus4 sus2 aug dim dim...
F dominant9th Chord shapes See all notes of the F dominant9th chord ( F A C D# G ) on the fretboard. Figure out your favourite way to play the F dominant9th by toggling the notes on the fretboard. Root note F dominant9th chord ...
The 7th note of th亡scale is flat. [HextFage] Chords Vi th TheNmgE Major chord from which the others are derived. Em Em 6 Minor6・ note 3 flat, add 6. Edim Diminished ・ notes 3 and 5 are flat. EM7 Major 7 • add note 7. Eaug Augmented ・ note 5 is sharp. EM9 ...
In the 2nd example I added a scale to each chord. The way I am playing the scales is that I start on the root and run up to the 7th, this gives you a bit of time to switch to the next chord. This way of applying scales to a progression is the same as you’ll find in Barry...