Kind Code: A1 Abstract: The present invention relates to a method of treating asthma by raising the pH of the airways of an individual. The effect can be mediated directly by administering a pharmaceutically acceptable basic solution or alternatively, the effect can be mediated by enhancing the ...
缩宫素: 一种OXTR激动剂药物,由Par Sterile Products LLC (Par Sterile Products LLC)公司最早进行研发,目前全球最高研发状态为批准上市,作用机制: OXTR激动剂(催产素受体激动剂),治疗领域: 泌尿生殖系统疾病,其他疾病,神经系统疾病,在研适应症: 宫缩乏力,子宫出血,流
pharmacy. Performance of the 13 patient-oriented services was almost parallel for both the university and community hospitals. The only service that demonstrated a significant difference (p less than 0.05) between the two groups was "prescribing and renewing medication at the request of the physician...
•Directorofpalliativecaredepartment,Shanghaicancerhospital,Fudanuniversity.•TraditionalChineseMedicine(Shanghai)andpalliativecare(MDAndersoncancercenter,Texas)Overviewofpain •majorsymptomsincancerpatients:eitherearlyoradvancedstage •globalcommonproblem:30%to50%ofnewcancerpatients;advancedpatientsreach70%to90%...