The F-35 Lightning II strengthens national security, enhances global partnerships and powers economic growth. As the most lethal, survivable and connected fighter jet in the world, the F-35 gives pilots the critical advantage against any adversary, enabl
弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿 - F-35 Lightning II联合攻击战斗机的建造者设计了一种新的武器挂架,使飞机能够在内部再携带两枚导弹。这个名为Sidekick的新挂架使空军F-35A和海军舰载F-35C的两个武器舱中的每一个都可以携带三枚AIM-120先进中程空对空导弹(AMRAAM),而不是目前的两个,这样共有六个内部携带的AMRAAM。5月1日...
The overall cost estimate for the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programme has increased to USD382 billion, according to the US Department of Defense, but the Pentagon remains committed to the programme.rnLockheed Martin officials confirmed on 1 June that the cost ...
【2024年的第6本书】今年看贝斯佩奇航展的时候,听到现场解说推荐了这本去年出版的《F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning II》。这本书回答了我长久以来的一个疑问:为什么美国在拥有了F-22之后,还需要开发部分指标看上去并不顶尖的F-35。读完整本书之后,我感觉与其说它是一本军事类书籍,不如说它是一本...
F-35 Lightning II Lethal. Survivable. Connected. The Most Advanced Fighter Jet in the World The F-35 strengthens national security, enhances global partnerships and powers economic growth. It is the most lethal, survivable and connected fighter aircraft in the world, giving pilots an advantage ...
The Air Force has groundedF-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighterjets today for an undetermined period of time over concerns that faulty explosive cartridges inejection seatscould hinder the ability of pilots to safely exit in an emergency, the Air Force said. ...
The F-35A Is the World’s Most Dominant,Cost-Effective Fighter: The Air Force Needs to Accelerate Its Acquisition Now,The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, March 2, 2020,
"The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th," he wrote. Trump’s tweet followed similar criticism he voiced in an interview on Fox News Sunday. "It's out of control. And the people that...