F-15E Strike Eagle - fighter plane - Brief Article
【参考译文】截至2008年,F-15在对空作战中取得了104架敌机被击落而自身无一损失的战绩。F-15的制空型号A/B/C/D型在敌方行动中从未受损。[3][94]其中,超过一半的F-15战果由以色列空军飞行员取得。 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 2.0协议 图片题注:A USAF F-15C of the 125th Fighter Wing参考译文:第 125 战斗机...
而英文中的“战斗机”--Fighter,则有两重涵义.狭 义专指用于空战的歼击机,广义则也包括一些兼具 对空和对地功能的“战斗轰炸机”.所以英文中“战斗 机”这个词的含义是大于俄文中“歼击机”这个词的. 补充 1、F-14战斗机的绰号是“TOMCAT”--雄猫, 不是"PANDA"--熊猫. 2、F/A-18设计为战斗/攻击机,...
1/100 Scale US Airforce F15 F-15 F15A Fighter Diecast Metal Alloy Aircraft Plane Model Toy For Collection 1.0 1 Review Color: F15C Product sellpoints Recommend Age: 14+y,Ideal for collectors aged 14 and up, this model is a sophisticated addition to any hobbyist's collection. Packing: wit...
Why the F-15 Is Such a Badass Plane This Could Be the Most Heavily Armed Fighter Ever Selected in late 1969, the first Eagle delivered to the service was a two-seat F-15B trainer, handed over in November 1974. It’s an interesting historical footnote given that the F-15EX is a two...
This VR-ready DC Designs fighter collection for Microsoft Flight Simulator brings you highly detailed F-15C, D, E and I 'Ra'am' Eagles in eight liveries, with the front and rear cockpit positions included in the twin-seat variants. The models feature Head-Up Displays, MFDs with visual ...
Though it can do many things, the Air Force's F-15 is a plane with a single purpose—to tangle with enemy fighters and destroy them.
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This a naval version of the McDonnell Douglas F-15. The design has been somewhat altered in order to fit better onto carriers and be able to perform under the stresses of carrier landing and take off. The Fighter is equipped with standard air to air missiles such as the Interceptor and ...