在伊朗的飞行员身上挂着歼10C的标志,参与航展活动。同时,有消息称孟加拉国很可能会购买中国生产的歼10C战斗机。当前,孟加拉国空军装备有由中国制造的歼7战斗机,但这些飞机基本上已经退役。因此,孟加拉国亟需对其现有战机进行性能升级,而继续选择中国产 fighter jets 完全符合他们的需求。
Feds seize F-14 fighter jets in ChinoWes Woods II
2022年2月,澳大利亚国防部(DoD)递交的文件显示未来4年的飞行时间远少于此前预期:F-35的飞行时间在22财年减少了25%,并计划在23财年减少17%,24财年减少14%,25财年减少13%。 澳大利亚国防部没有说明飞行时数减少的问题,而澳洲媒体纷纷猜测是联合攻击战斗机(JSF)F-35的可维护性问题,澳大利亚自由党和绿党的议员表示,...
The F-14 fighter jets were bought by the US-backed regime of Shah before the 1979 revolution in Iran. Speaking at the unveiling ceremony on Sunday, Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, Commander of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran said this achievement was gained through indigenous kno...
This website is dedicated to the aircrews who risked their lives fighting for our freedom, the maintainers in the hangars and shops who kept these jets flying, the managers and support personnel who continually found the funds and supplies needed to hold it all together, and finally, the en...
【21】Valerie Insinna, “The US Air Force doesn’t want F-15X. But it needs more fighter jets,”Defense News, February 28, 2019,https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/air-warfare-symposium/2019/02/28/the-air-force-doesnt-want-f...
爱给网提供海量的免费商用图库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的军用喷气式飞机, 飞行, 飞行, f-14, 雄猫, 战士(Military Jet, Flight, Flying, F-14, Tomcat, Fighter), 本站编号42644841, 该免费商用图库 (cc协议)素材大小为155k, 分辨率为2100 x 1500, 许可范围为可商用,协议名称为CC...
s first “Third-Generation Fighter,” the F-14 Tomcat was awarded to Grumman Aircraft in January 1969. The C/V21 project was enormous and affected the very heart of the Navy fighter mission. It seemed to be the answer to so many...
英国:上次我说给坦克自己还出了14辆挑战者2,但是这次我啊,没有F-16我也要拱火。 法国德国:巧了,我们也没有F-16,我们也想拱火。 美国:都玩口头请客让我买单是吧?你们也要出钱。我只是同意乌克兰飞行员在F-16上进行训练(approve the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter Jets),我也不出F-16。