参考: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3259428/chinese-scientists-increase-f-22-fighter-jets-radar-signature-60000-times-new-detection-method-study?module=top_story&pgtype=homepage
Skunkworks then went on to design this new generation of low observable aircraft, integrating several design concepts of minimized detection of Radar Cross Signature (RCS). They finally came up with a completely outrageous design, which they appropriately named the 'Hopeless Diamond'. The outcome of...
The most difficult moment will be the radar signature exchange phase with a flight of 4x F-117As. You will have to be in the right place, at the right time, at the right altitude and at the right speed... Due to unknowns in the area of action, waypoints are limited. You...
The most difficult moment will be the radar signature exchange phase with a flight of 4x F-117As. You will have to be in the right place, at the right time, at the right altitude and at the right speed... Due to unknowns in the area of action, waypoints are limited. You...
2.1.1539 Part 1 Section, ser (Radar Chart Series) 2.1.1540 Part 1 Section, ser (Bar Chart Series) 2.1.1541 Part 1 Section, ser (Line Chart Series) 2.1.1542 Part 1 Section, ser (Pie Chart Series) 2.1.1543 Part 1 Section
Contrary to many a layman's belief, the F-117 stealth fighter is not comletely invisible to radar. It's what experts call "low-observable." Due to its shape and a special radar-absorbent coating, the aircraft is all-but-undetectable by radar. Maintainers at Holloman Air Force Base, N...
《南华早报》4月18日报道称,中国科学家开发出了一种隐身战斗机探测技术,能将极其微弱的隐身战机信号放大6万倍,不止是美军的F-22和F-35战斗机没有藏身之地,连还未服役的B-21也和裸奔无异! 关注中国对隐身战斗机探测最前沿领域的网友应该还记得,去年中国科学家也开发出了一种红外波段下探测定位隐身战斗机的技...
4. 資訊整合功能亦有助於猛禽的電磁匿蹤:The more the datalinks and ALR-94 can be used to build and update the tactical picture, the less the system needs to use the radar. The IFDL provides another layer of protection against tracking, because any one F-22 in a flight can provide radar...
Lockheed's F-117 "Nighthawk" stealth fighter have been evolved to a high degree in the F-35 Lightning II: the engine nozzle is "stealth-friendly" and axisymmetric by design to further the aircraft's anti-radar characteristics while maintaining the smallest possible signature and overall profile....
To minimize the aircraft's radar signature, designers were forced to exclude onboard radar as well as minimize the engine inlets, outlets, and thrust. The result was a subsonic attack bomber capable of carrying 5,000 lbs. of ordnance in an internal bay. Created under the Senior Trend Program...