Once you are set up, ezCater takes care of all the logistics, from curating the restaurants to ordering support and delivery. Show me how Business catering solutions trusted by: You need food that works On time, as ordered Get food you can rely on for your meetings and events — profession...
以Cloudflare 作为安全合作伙伴,ezCater 能专注于其核心竞争力 随着ezCater 继续扩大市场,该公司希望更多依赖 Cloudflare 的创新,并更深入地利用 Cloudflare 产品,尤其是因为 ezCater 将在 Zero Trust 旅程上走得更远。 Sherman 说:“Zero Trust 非常重要,但实施起来也极为困难。ezCater 成功的唯一途径就是找到适当的合...
链接 ezCater网站 ezCater makes it easy to order food online for your business. From routine office lunches to offsite client meetings, from 5 to 2,000 people, we have a solution. ezCater connects businesspeople with over 48,000 reliable local caterers and restaurants across the U.S. And we...
据悉,美国企业订餐平台ezCater于近日获1亿美元融资,由Wellington管理公司领投,现有投资者 ICONIQ capital 和 Insight Venture Partners 参与。此轮融资后,ezCater的融资总额达到约1.7亿美元,估值7亿美元。此次融资将用于深化产品,以及进行国际扩张。ezCater成立于2007年,是美国波士顿的一家公司。ezCater汇集餐厅等餐饮...
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced all of ezCater’s employees to work remotely, the company needed a simple, secure way for its globally distributed workforce to connect to internal resources while maintaining Zero Trust. Additionally, ezCater had been using manual mitigation techniques, such as ...
Thank you for choosing ezCater. We appreciate your loyalty and can't wait to work with you on next month's lunch!Best,Andrew S.Voice of the Customer Team GA Gail 1 review US 1 days ago My experience with EZ Cater has been a great tool to make my job so easy. My experience with ...
美国在线餐饮服务预定平台ezCater获得2800万美元C轮融资 ezCater为一家在线餐饮服务预定平台。成立于2007年,总部位于波士顿。本次领投的公司为Insight Venture Partners。经过本轮,该公司目前共获得3500万美元的投资。
惠灵顿领投,商业会议订餐平台ezCater获1亿美元E轮融资 【猎云网(微信号:)】6月21日报道(编译:罗伯特)近日,ezCater完成1亿美元E轮融资。迄今为止,这家公司公司已经成立了十多年。ezCater的联合创始人兼首席执行官Stefania Mallett表示:“我们的确是一夜暴富,只是这一夜花费了11年时间。最开始,我们就在我的...
通过使用 PagerDuty,ezCater 获得了: 1、透明度。团队可以轻松地实时了解每个服务的待命人员。 2、赋权。从工程领导到个人贡献者,团队可以直接管理他们的权限、轮换和日程安排。 3、灵活性。借助 PagerDuty 超过350 多个集成的生态系统,团队能够轻松集成他们现有的工具集和服务,以提供更多的系统可见性。