▪ 应尽可能保持 D+和 D–与其他非静态走线间的距离为 250 mil(6.5 mm). ▪ 布线中,应将直角进行两次 45°的弯曲或变成圆角(而不是 90°的直角弯曲). ▪ 尽可能保持 D+/D–与相邻敷铜间的宽度最小为 5 个走线.如果将敷铜放置的位置过于靠近这些信号,它会影响信 号...
▪ Keep a 250-mil (6.5-mm) distance between D+ and D– and other nonstatic traces wherever possible. ▪ Use two 45° bends or round corners instead of 90° bends. ▪ Keep five trace widths minimum between D+ and D– and the adjacen...