The EZ Grader app helps you to calculate your grades within a fraction of seconds. The term “EZ” refers to the word “Easy”. The easy grader app allows you to find a numeric grade based on the total number of questions and the total number of wrong answers. ...
Are you a student or a teacher, trying to calculate grades in no time? The EZ Grader app helps you to calculate your grades within a fraction of seconds. The te…
Grade Calculator Let us do the math... Our Privacy Policy Use this simple EZ Grading calculator to find quiz, test and assignment scores: Easy GraderAverage Grade CalculatorFinal Grade Calculator # of questions: # wrong: Result 10/10=100%...
Easy Grade makes it easy to grade your students' papers when you don’t have the cardboard EZ Grader with you. Easy Grade has many options that make it the best grading tool on iOS. • Adjust how many questions are on the test • Choose whether you want to increment by half-points...
The EZ Grader that does half points. Easy Grade makes it easy to grade your students' papers when you leave the cardboard EZ Grader at school. Easy Grade has many options that make it the best grading app: • Adjust how many questions are on the test• Choose whether you want to ...
FYI, used EzGrader for the first time over the weekend. Struggled a bit at first getting ‘clean’ images for EzGrader to use. Figured that problem out and learned that what you or others think you see is frequently not what is. If EzGrader scores a stamp well, then the stamp is wel...
"The class was very simple and easy to understand and I also like that fact I can take notes and also go back and review. Overall you explained good enough for a 5th grader to comprehend. Also I really enjoy the 30 minute audio because I can run errands and listen to the review while...
Easy Grade makes it easy to grade your students' papers when you leave the cardboard EZ Grader at school. Easy Grade has many options that make it the best grading app: • Adjust how many questions are on the test• Choose whether you want to increment by half-points in case you ...
iSlide Grader EZ 123 Gra...产品特色 《iSlide Grader EZ 123 Grade》是一款方便教育工作者、教授和家庭教师使用的简易评分工具。该应用有以下几个优点: 1. 十进制百分比:该应用能够计算小数百分比,方便用户对学生的作业进行评分。 2. 大量题目:该应用支持最多999个问题的评分,满足了大部分教育者的需求。 3....
A young teacher cam e into his offic e in tear s , unabl e to figur e out what was going on wit h an eighth grader who h a d just mov e d t o M . S.223from a public school in Flori d a , w as way behin d in class an d h a d been wanderi ng aroun d th e ...