玩物志---EZ ..Ez卡的巅峰就是ez23了,之后的卡带都不行,最新的ezode和ezj都是小毛病不断,竟搞一些花里胡哨的功能,让人诟病的存档问题一直不能解决,总会莫名其妙的发生掉档问题,你还找不到原因,问起官方就是你
EZ-Flash J..测试用8GB的索尼MicroSD卡,按照要求格式化为FAT32, 32kB cluster size.简单测试了十几款游戏,1-2MB的游戏只需要2s的加载时间,4MB的稍久一点,大概需要5s左右。虽
Flash programming is a method to write a program to the flash memory embedded in a device. Erasing, writing and verifying the program can be performed on-board with the device. Please update firmware for RL78 at first. Refer to description (1) to (3) on the following order. For detail,...
The Flash--tearing into today's headlines? Yup--the twisted geniuses over at SUPERFRANKENSTEIN have assembled a sterling collection of vintage Silver Age covers, translating the current day's news events into terms we comics aficionado's can truly understand! Great selection! Delenda Est Carthago...
(Cue flashback dissolve) I was still living with my college roomies in Buffalo, N Y, contentedly ensconced in typically--if only slightly--run-down off-campus housing, and more often than not, my gal pal--and future architect of this very site--Lynn was in attendance. A few months ea...
EZ FLASH J..1. EZ FLASH JR 本身固件目前尚未有金手指、及时存档功能。2. 我Gbc配件里有一个硬件的金手指卡,有金手指、及时存档等丰富功能。但是测试,不支持EZJR,确定金手指卡没有问题,插普通
EZ-Flash J..时间有限,从GoodGBx里选了十几款游戏进行测试,除了一个疑似D商汉化版的星之海洋在重启机器后导致主界面花屏,暂时没有发现其它问题。虽然EZ Jr的主界面反应比较迟缓,但是烧录速度比旧款Everdr
Method of encapsulating a photoflash lamp using a powdered resinAndre C BouchardHarold H Hall Jr
求助ez flash..刚买的ez jr的烧录卡 设置好了时间以后,每次开关机就会重置时间回到2000 01 01 请问这是怎么回事?求助
别想太多,我都等3年了,到现在也没动静。JR, X5, EZO, EZODE,这四个我都有,就差X7, 确实太贵... 来自Android客户端2楼2022-07-16 08:20 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1回复贴...