to be listened to so that they are nurtured holistically. We put the children at the heart of what we do so that they acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be able to move to the next stage of their education. We strive to work in partnership with parents and families, listenin...
1 It’sforallearlyyearsprovidersinEnglandsinceApril2017.2 It’slegislated.AgoodreasonneedstobeprovidedifEYFSisnotimplemented.•qualityandconsistencyinallearlyyearssettings,sothateverychildmakesgoodprogressandnochildgetsleftbehind•asecurefoundationthroughlearninganddevelopmentopportunitieswhichareplannedaroundtheneeds...
we just need toteach them how to read, the relationships between characters, the relationshipsbetween words and letters. At the same time, through performing and creatingthe stories in picture books, children can deepen the connection betweencharacters, sentence and picture sense, ...
“Our School Diversity Week programme with primary schools is simply about kindness, respecting difference and celebrating diverse families - for example, talking about how some people have lesbian mums, two dads or a trans sibling, which is reality for many young people in school today. “Our...