T-T-11765-EYFS-People-Who-Help-Us-Scenario-Quiz SomeonehasbrokenintoyourhouseandstolenyourTV!Whichemergencyservicewillyoucall?Fireservice Police Nevermind.Keeptrying!Back Yay!Correct!Next Someonehasfaintedplayingfootballandtheywontwakeup!Whatwillyouneedtocallfor?Afireengine Anambulance Nevermind.Keeptrying!B...
Our teams planning covers; seasons, celebrations and festivals, recognises people who help us, words of the week, stories of the month and countries of the month. Our annual; workshop, special events and trips programme includes visits from outside agencies and trips the children will attend ou...
This exciting unit helped us understand our Lines of Inquiry and appreciate the many ways people and things move around the world. We learned that transportation is an important part of our lives, connecting us to each other and to the world. 在K2 的探究式学习单元(UOI)中,孩子们围绕“社区是...
通过寻找园所里每天帮助我们的人,并向他们表达感谢。锻炼语言逻辑与表达能力。 Communication and language development: learning Thanksgiving sign language dance and song. Learning to call other children's English names. Finding the people at the kindergarten who help us every day and showing our gratitud...
“Rituals make people rely on them. Rituals help us deal with the embarrassment in life. Rituals awaken the beautiful emotions in our hearts.” __ German writer. 毕业典礼对于大班的孩子们来说,是他们人生中学校生涯中第一次重要的仪式。为了给孩子们的幼儿园生活画上圆满的句号,2023年6月21...
Invite children to draw and write about themselves - this can help draw out ideas of race and racism and why we should celebrate and what makes us all unique. 6. Find the right resources Doing all of the above is not something you have to tackle alone. There are lots of resources that...
Striving for Excellence Email UsPhone Us Website Menu Log in EYFS Home Children EYFS Feniscowles EYFS - Our Classrooms and Team EYFS September 2024 A little video to introduce you to our classroom environments and EYFS team. We cannot wait to meet you in September!
Our children develop into confident individuals who are kind and respectful; they have the necessary independence to thrive in senior school whilst being sociable with excellent communication and teamwork skills. From Reception to Year Six, our children are impressive, ever excited about engaging with ...
Good Friday Challenge!Can you complete the Easter colour by tricky word sheet? Try and read the tricky words without the help of an adult! Enjoy your Easter weekend! Stay safe and well. Say hello to the Children for us! Love, Miss Hill x ...
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