Moreover, the DfE (2012) believes it is important for all young children to receive the same Early Years education, despite the child’s background and the EYFS curriculum framework accommodates this. Additionally, the EYFS curriculum is linked to the National Curriculum in primary schools, and...
英国早期儿童基础教育指南 EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage 全文 Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five Published: 3 March 2017 Effective: 3 April 2017 ...
Like many schools, we had adopted a maths scheme. If I’m honest, this was initially as a bit of a prop when the EYFS framework changed and we were grappling with interpreting the new wording in the maths early learning goal. We felt it would help us to get a better under...
Changes to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) must recognise the framework is “world class” according to a new report. And it said that sidelining personal development in the curriculum, which sets out goals for pre-school children, in favour of literacy or numeracy skills could be “...
本文主要參考兒童、學校與家庭部(Department for Children, Schools and Fam- ilies,DCSF)針對幼兒基礎階段出版專門為幼教工作者與機構所提供的《幼兒 基礎階段實施架構綱要》(Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage) (DCSF, 2008a)、《幼兒基礎階段實務指引》(Thepractice guidance for the early...
The centre will offer two-day, three-day or five-day options for daycare services for children aged four months to four and will follow the British Curriculum of Development and Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) framework. Daycare decisions made easy Ideal for cross-curricular plant topics in...
The EYFS initially introduced in the United Kingdom holds international acclaim. The framework is based on the principle that recognizes children as unique individuals and competent learners. It is delivered through a well-planned play-based approach to learning and development. ...
Read about our approach to Early Years education for Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception at NAIS Pudong, one of the finest schools in Shanghai, Pudong.
The new statutory framework for EYFS took effect in september 2008 for parts of the U.K now includes the legislation and standards for keeping children safe. There are several legal and regulatory requirements that you must be familiar with to protect both the adults and the children within ...