In today’s rapidly changing world, education is no longer just about imparting knowledge, but also about fostering abilities. For children in the kindergarten stage, inquiry-based learning is particularly important as it provides them with a foundation to explore, discover, and understand the wor...
How is continuous provision planned? Continuous provision is linked to the needs and interests of the children in the class. It provides familiar areas for children to explore; this is particularly important when children start a new school year, or new learning objectives are being introduced. Th...
Of course, our curriculum needs to be creative, but I’d suggest we can afford to do things a little differently. Personally, I think a two-step approach works best for encouraging creativity through art. Step one: exploration Give children the space and time to truly explore wit...
This essay aims to explore the role of the early years practitioner in planning provision to meet the needs of the child, simultaneously applying theoretical research and professional practice. In addition to this, making appropriate links to the Early Years Foundation Stage and using pertinent exampl...
You'll also find guides for parents on the topics your child is learning, so you can explain it to them, plus topic-focused activity packs for you to explore if you have time to spare. For more information, we'd recommend you read What your child learns in Nursery science....
Explore mark-making with a range of pencils, pens, crayons and paint. Begin to show accuracy and care when drawing. Attempt to write recognisable letters, using the correct letter formation. Try this: Familiarise yourself with the tripod grip and try to encourage your child to use it when th...
Learninganddevelopment theearlylearninggoalsthatprovidersmusthelpchildrenworktowards(theknowledge,skillsandunderstandingchildrenshouldhaveattheendoftheacademicyearinwhichtheyturnfive)Safeguardingchildrenandpromotingtheirwelfare assessmentarrangementsformeasuringprogress(andrequirementsforreportingtoparentsand/orcarers)Directory:...
Among the seven fields of eyfs curriculum, "understanding the world" is one of the important courses for children's growth and development. Explore and observe opportunities to learn about people, communities, technology and the environment, and guide children to understand the world and their commu...
This month, the K3 Madagascar class embarked on a thrilling exploration of the world of machines! Their journey was filled with hands-on activities, exciting discoveries, and collaborative learning, all designed to spark their curiosity and deepen their understanding of how things work. ...