Due to its depressive properties, alcohol can ease muscular tension. When you go to sleep, your throat muscles loosen, your tongue slides back, and your airway gets constricted. Snoring is actually just the sound of tissue vibrations in the throat caused by breathing. The higher the vibration ...
Aging also makes your skin less elastic, Ferrucci notes. This may be due to gravity and also to damage from the sun’s UV rays over many years. You may notice that your skin feels dryer, too. And while you can’t undo sun damage from years ago, you can wear sunscreen, a hat, and...
“This failure has been a long, long time coming, especially since resources were shuffled around into adult health due to the pandemic,” said Quesnel, who is a volunteer health advocate, as well as mother to Noel and another son with complex health challenges. Noel’s neuro-ophthalm...
“This failure has been a long, long time coming, especially since resources were shuffled around into adult health due to the pandemic,” said Quesnel, who is a volunteer health advocate, as well as mother to Noel and another son with complex health challenges. Noel’s neu...