Eye & Vision Basics Pediatric Eye Conditions Common Eye Problems Common Vision Problems Vision Correction Eye Diseases & Conditions Retinal Conditions Optic Nerve Problems Low Vision & Vision Loss How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Medically Reviewed by Jabeen Begum, MD on December 04, 2024 Written by...
This is whystrength trainingis so important. It can pump the brakes on this aspect of aging. And that, in turn, could help guard against falls, one of the major health threats in older adults. Strength training may also help with the loss of bone density that Ferrucci mentioned. If your...
"It's a life-changing procedure," said Matthew Miller, MD, director of the UNC Facial Nerve Center and assistant professor of otolaryngology/head andneck surgeryat the UNC School of Medicine. "It not only restores sensation in their eyes, but it can prevent and even reverse vision loss." ...
driving, and interacting socially. Beyond the clinical implications, the emotional toll of living with the potential of vision loss can lead to anxiety and depression.
Many people take prescription anticoagulants to prevent stroke or heart disease. Two disorders, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, commonly cause bleeding within the eye because of the formation of abnormal blood vessels. Taking blood-thinning medications may not increase vision loss if you ...
You notice a sudden shadow or loss of side vision. 23/32 Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) When you're a child, if one eye doesn't see well, your brain may favor the other. This condition, called amblyopia, can happen if your eyes aren't aligned right (strabismus or crossed eyes) or one eye ...