pupils equal, round, react to light, and accommodation ophthalmoscope enlarges view of eye so that you can inspect: media (anterior chamber, lens, vitreous) and the ocular fundus(internal surface of retina) to examine the ocular fundus: - begin about about 25cm (10in) away from a person ...
As you age, it becomes more difficult for your eyes to react to light, especially in darker settings. Your eyes may also feel drier as you get older as the eyes don’t produce as many tears. You can also have issues with objects blending into the background as well as floaters/spots ...
PERRLA stands forPupils Equal Round Reactive to Lights and Administration. To put it short, it is a test to see how the patient’s pupils react to light. Our pupils can shrink when they are exposed to lights and will dilate when there is no light. PERRLA Eyes The movements of the pupil...
In addition to the problems described in that article, using such a metric as the raw data to construct the EEI leads to an unacceptable characteristic of EEI–that the EEI (and subsequent conclusions about existence of a gap, size of the gap, and change in the size of the gap) all dep...
To remedy that state of affairs, I have decided that this evening Dookes H.Q. will raise a glass to the wonderful concept of “World Negroni Week.” I’ll be mixing mine with equal 25ml measures of: Aatta Gin, a local gin to us and a delightful birthday gift last year from my mat...
I generally like to have at least two windows open for shooting, but with this blind that did not seem possible. I had to pick one and leave everything else closed, and then close that one down a bit more too in order to limit the amount of light coming into the blind. At that po...
Welcome to For Little Eyes!! Glasses are not the worst thing that your kid may need to deal with, not by a long shot, but as we faced getting glasses for our children, we found ourselves wishing there were some way to connect with other parents who have
Hay fever, which is also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis, causes the nasal passages, throat and eye membrane to become inflamed when your immune system reacts to the virus. Sensitivity to pollen in the air causes hay fever. It is commonly experienced during the spring season when the pol...