amber(琥珀色),blue(蓝色),brown(棕色),green(绿色),hazel(淡褐色) big,large,wide(大眼睛;瞪大的眼睛) 例句: She just looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers. 她只是用那双大大的蓝眼睛看着我。 His eyes were wide with horror. 他惊恐地瞪...
Assigning the animators on the project a palette of mostly red, yellow, green and blue, this limited approach makes way for personality across the animation due to the brushstrokes of each hand painted frame, chosen to be purposefully imperfect. With this decided, each animator on the proj...
000 or 10,000 years ago had brown eyes. DNA testing helped reveal that it was a mutation that occurred thousands of years ago that caused some people to have blue eyes. This certainly must have been a startling
Participants saw pairs of female faces differing only in eye color: light (blue or green) vs dark (brown or dark brown). Top: blue/dark brown pair. Bottom: brown/green pair. The face depicted here has been created digitally for purposes of illustration (Bressan, 2020a); the study showed...
Each has his or her own stats, personality, required wages, and — new to the series — a unique ability. For instance, Livewire the hacker is a valuable support character — she’s a poor shot, but will automatically reveal every enemy in battle if the player has intel for that ...
accommodate multiple pounds of human fast-food ingested bio-waste. “Americans will once again be able to indulge in MacDonald Big Macs, Filet O’Fishes and large fries with that,” he said. “No more worries about toilets over-flowing with nasty smelling brown fast food lumps,” tRump ...