I understand the 500 rule used to calculate the longest exposure that will avoid obvious star trailing. However, when digiscoping, there is an eyepiece on the scope, plus the lens of the camera (in this case a phone camera). the magnification of a given eyepiece will affect that rule as ...
Vignetting and field of view, coma, focal depth, thermal shift of focus. Parameters for artificial star distance, roddier test, eyepiece projection. Astrophotography and CCD calculator screenshot In order to help a bit with some terminology - the following diagram provides a brief illustration of ...
45°. Eye Tube Inner Diameter: Dia. 30mm. Eye Tube Diopter Adjustable: Left ±5°, Right Not Adjustable. Standard Eyepiece. Eyepiece Optical Magnification: 10X. Eyepiece Size for Eye Tube: Dia. 30mm. Eyepiece Field of View: Dia. 20mm. Eye Guard Mount Size: Dia. 36mm. Objective W...