Lensabl What do you do if you already have a pair of eyeglasses frames you like but your prescription is old (or the lenses on your frames are scratched) and you just want to replace the lenses? Lensabl is one of the few sites that allows you to send in your own pair of frames...
The 2015 updates deal with issues such as lens thicknesses, prescription lenses, and lens and frame markings. ANSI's Z87.1 standard demonstrates that personal protective equipment such as eye protection isn't one size fits all. PPE should be specific to the tasks being performed and the people...
The displacement of the optical axis 0 and the tilt of the prismatic lenses 55, 55' will increase the refractive power (prism diopters) of the prismatic lens system without increasing the size of the prism or correction lens(es). This reduces distortion, prism thickness, and the combined weig...