We’ve performed this procedure countless times and guarantee everything is smooth sailing. However, there are a few things you should avoid before getting microblading done on your brows: excessive Sun Exposure, blood thinners, botox for two weeks, and salon tanning! How long does microblading ...
This technique requires a bar of clear soap, a spoolie brush, as well as water. You dampen the brush, and softly smooth it through the bar of soap before running them through your eyebrows. These give you the perfectsoap brows. This method elicits a vogue styled look that you can run t...
Make-up can normally be used to camouflage the incision sites after the initial healing is complete (one to two weeks). Occasionally, a light dermabrasion is recommended for the direct brow lift incision site. Eyebrow Lift Before and After Images...
View Before and After Photos THE FOREHEAD OPERATION The forehead lift gives a person a smoother, friendlier, more youthful and rested appearance by elevating the eyebrows and diminishing forehead wrinkles and frown lines. While often performed in conjunction with a facelift, a forehead lift may also...
4. After rubbing into the skin, apply a 2nd heavy layer of TKTX cream (1/8" or 2-3 mm thick) over the area. 5. Cover the TKTX cream with plastic wrap (saran wrap) and keep warm. The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the c...
The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream from drying out. 6. Leave TKTX cream and wrap in place for 25-50 Minutes before tattoo. For long procedures lasting hours over large areas; apply N-...
5. Cover the TKTX cream with plastic wrap (saran wrap) and keep warm. The heat under the plasticwrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream from drying out. 6. Leave TKTX cream and wrap in place for 25-50 Minutes before tatt...
6. Leave TKTX cream and wrap in place for 25-50 Minutes before tattoo. For long procedures lasting hours over large areas; apply N-umbing cream over the entire work area, then remove in sections asprocedure progresses. 7.Skin t...