go over with a fine-tooth comb inquire into perlustrate put under a microscope scope scrutinate take the measure of verb as in sightCompare Synonyms SynonymsAntonyms Strong matches behold discern distinguish observe perceive spot view witness Weak match make out verb as in spyCompare Synonyms Synon...
It is called striated because it appears striped, in alternating bands of light and dark, when viewed under a microscope, and animals have conscious control over most of their striate muscles. Smooth muscle, which lines most of the hollow organs of the body, is not under voluntary control, ...
moisture, will open after the snap ring clamp the eyeball into the ring under the card, install the snap ring with an iron bolt fixed; the bench into the nanoindentation card table, flick clasp , so that the receiving hole is rotated, the positioning through the microscope observation, ...
Cyclophotocoagulation with an illuminated laser probe under a noncontact wide-angle retinoscope: A modified technique of ciliary body photocoagulation. No patients experienced intraocular lens deviation or dislocation, hypotonia oculi, atrophy of eyeball, retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, or sympathetic ....
Through contusion model eye of rabit, we observed the clinical progress of optic nerve and retina in morphologic change at different time, and examined it's historic change under light and electrical microscope. The mainchange is optic nerve edema, retinal hemorrhage and edema after contusion. Ligh...
glacial acetic acid and acetone.HE staining was performed.Then the paraffin slices were observed under the light microscope.Results There was no eyeball distortion or retinal detachment,and the structure of retina,iris,ciliary body,sinus venosus sclerae and cornea fixed in the fixative solution were...
were observed under the light microscope.Results:The tissue structure of eyeball crystal is clear completely.Conclusion:The method of the improved fixative solution and pressure dehydrate is more effective than others and that is a effective method for to paraffin slices of rat eyeball crystal ...