末影之眼(Eye of Ender)是Minecraft中的物品,用于定位并激活要塞里的末地传送门,需要末影珍珠和火焰粉合成,使用时要被扔出以帮助寻找末地传送门框架的位置,激活末地传送门需要12个末影之眼。 'Eye of Ender'的基本定义与概述 'Eye of Ender'(末影之眼)是沙盒游戏Minecraft中的一...
eye of ender 读音:美英 eye of ender基本解释 末影之眼 分词解释 eye眼睛 Ender[人名] 恩德 eye of ender是什么意思 eye of ender怎么读 eye of ender在线翻译 eye of ender中文意思 eye of ender的解释 eye of ender的发音 eye of ender意思是什么 eye of ender怎么翻译 eye of ender的中文翻译 eye ...
末影之眼的英文翻译,末影之眼用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/mò yǐng zhī yǎn/ 末影之眼的英文翻译 Eye of Ender 词组短语 末影之眼的信号EyeOfEnderSignal 单词专题
The Eye of Ender first appeared inCold as Ice, attached to the back of theIce Armor setand in the staff of theDragonseer. It was utilized byRainto tame theEnder Dragon. The Eye next appeared inGoodbye, when the Frostbourne sent one through theEnd Cheststo the Ender Watchers, seeking the...
Labels: /locate ender_eye eye_of_ender_signal Confirmation Status: Confirmed Description Players can use the eye of ender in an invalid place and point at 0,0. Occurred in: When you are in the Overworld When you are in the End. When you are in the Nether. The no strongholds superfl...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an Eye of Ender with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, an Eye of Ender is an item in your inventory that you use to find the End Portal. Let's explore how to make an Eye of Ender.
This Eye of Ender is just a hop away Soggy Swamp The second Eye of Ender is found in Soggy Swamp. When you reach the Destroy the Brews mission, run to the southeast part of the area and exit via the newly-formed bridge in the bottom-right; making sure to roll over the gap. Enter...
Using an Eye of Ender plays theminecraft:entity.ender_eye.launchsound event twice, once from the logical server and once from the client. Steps to reproduce: Apply the attached resource pack. It replaces the sound with the pig and wolf death sounds to be more audibly distinct. ...
高级末影之眼模组(Greater Eye of Ender)是一款可以用于定位寻找建筑物的模组,有点类似于末影之眼定位据点的能力,原版的末影之眼只能寻找定位要塞,而这款高级末影之眼可以帮助玩家定位寻找更多的建筑物,玩家想要使用高级末影之眼之前,需要自己动手创建一个更大更高级的末影之眼,想要创建一个高级末影之眼,首先...