Meta公司也在2022年将眼动追踪加入到了头显Quest Pro中。去年苹果发布的智能眼镜Vision Pro,更是让眼动追踪大火了一把。 谷歌申请的基于头戴显示器的眼动追踪技术专利丨 Vision Pro的交互方式,是“眼动+手势+语音”。这其中,起到关键定位作用的正是眼球的运动。不管是拉伸窗口大小、还是打开某一...
Eye-tracking has been talked about with regards to XR as a distant technology for many years, but the hardware is finally becoming increasingly available to developers and customers. PSVR 2 and Quest Pro are the most visible examples of headsets with built-in eye-tracking, along with the likes...
第二,社区发现,Vlugin似乎一直在使用没有许可的开源眼动追踪软件,例如曾成功将眼动追踪技术移植到Quest 2和Bigscreen Beyond等头显的开源方案EyeTrackVR。EyeTrackVR的负责人就指出,Vlugin唯一演示视频的眼动追踪可视化叠加层与EyeTrackVR相同。 另外,名为Prohurtz的开发者表示,他曾公开指出Vlugin方案的界面与EyeTrac...
All indicators suggest that VR is moving to eye tracking. Pico's standalone VR headset is where headsets like the Oculus Quest could go next.
Learn more about our virtual reality eye tracking software for research. We support top eye trackers including the HTC Vive Pro Eye and Pupil Labs.
不过需要明确的是,这不会神奇地将你的 Quest 3 变成Quest Pro 2。除非专门集成 Inseye 的 SDK,否则应用程序不会使用眼动追踪,因此这将主要用于 PC VR,PC 平台的开放性使得通过 OpenXR 集成此类配件变得容易。 Quest 的 Inseye Lumi 插件没有特定的发布时间表,但您可以支付 1 美元的“可退还押金”,以便在发...
We conducted user studies evaluating eye tracking on the Magic Leap One, the Meta Quest Pro, and the HoloLens 2. Our results reveal that the degree to which locomotion influenced eye tracking performance depended on the headset, with the HoloLens 2, which features a retractable visor, ...
Eye tracking is an effective way of measuring the tell-tale eye movements that are indicative of brain disorder and injury. Discover our solutions.
The biggest splashes came in the form of the new Cosmos hardware (an Oculus Go/Quest competitor) and a new eye-tracking system to be debuted in an update to the Vive Pro called “Vive Pro Eye.” Eye-tracking is a big deal for VR. The Vive Pro Eye, according to HTC, will accurately...
Doing that will also mean coming up with new ideas for input. Mixed reality and AR glasses, from Apple's Vision Pro, Meta Quest headsets, Snap Spectacles and Meta's Orion concept glasses, have hand tracking. The Vision Pro and Orion also have eye tracking, and Meta's Orion has its own...