使用Tobii 眼球追蹤應用程式 疑難排解 設定眼球追蹤裝置 本指南可協助您設定及校正眼睛追蹤裝置,以用於Windows控制。 我們已對 Tobii Eye Tracker 4C 裝置測試過此功能。您在其他裝置上的體驗可能會有不同。 您開始使用時所需的項目 眼球追蹤裝置 眼球控制支援下列眼球追蹤裝置: Tobii Tobii Eye Tracker 4C Tobii Ey...
PrivacyWindows 11Windows 10 In Windows, having an eye tracker as part of your device or system enables you to control your PC with only your eyes, enjoy more immersive game experiences, assist those with reading difficulties, and more. Some apps and services request permission to access your ...
compatible eye tracker to operate an on-screen mouse, keyboard and text-to-speech experience in Windows 10 using only their eyes. “Having Eye Control in Windows 10 continues to bridge the gap between widely used technology and people with disabilities. It’s simply liberating,” summarizes ...
If you need help with set up, go to Get started with eye control in Windows 10. If you need more help, you can get in touch with us at the Disability Answer Desk. We've tested this with the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, but it should work similarly with the other supported devic...
If you need help with set up, go to Get started with eye control in Windows 10. If you need more help, you can get in touch with us at the Disability Answer Desk. We've tested this with the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, but it should work similarly with the other supported devic...
Vacation Tracker Valamis Vani Vantage Fit Vantage Rewards ヴィー バイ ヴィシエ Velocity Vendict ベンダー オンボード Verbum Verdocs ヴェルカダ ゲスト Verto 365 Vevox Vibe Videodolmetschen by LingaTel Viewteam Viima VioletLMS VirtlX 360 Engagement Platform Virto カレンダ...
We recommend to usea windows installer(boost_1_62_0-msvc-14.0-64.exe) To setup your own Visual Studio project, you need to useCMake. You can find a windows installerhere. Clone the repositorygit@github.com:YutaItoh/3D-Eye-Tracker.gitto your local folder (e.g.,/your-local-path/3D-Ey...
Besides providing access to the same tracker functionality as the Tobii Pro MATLAB SDK, it has two main features: (1) more complete and granular access to the data streams: (a): support for both consuming (destructive) and peeking (non-destructive) data streams; (b): support for only acce...
Leave Tracker Les Cactus Lexion Lexis® Connect LiftUp Limeade Well-Being Linkker Linkus ListAlpha CRM Live Chat livepro LIZ Booker Loopio (EU) Lua Lucca Lucid AI Lucidchart Lucidspark LuckyDraw LumApps Lumio™ Luru Lytho Workflow M42 Approvals M42 VSA Basic Magistrate Cloud Mail Si...
Game with Beam — the #1 head & eye tracker for PC gaming and creating immersive live streams. [ 6DoF Head Tracker ] Turn Your Phone Into a Game Controller u…