The structure of the dataset:the dataset follows a hierarchical file structure shown below: Dataset └───MagicLeap │ ││ └───Subject1 │ └───Browse │ └───gaze_points.txt │ └───Communicate │ └───gaze_points.txt │ └───Read │ └───gaze_points.txt │... OPEN Colony-Level Differences in the Scaling Rules Governing Wood Ant Compound Eye Structure received: 15 November 2015 accepted: 23 March 2016 Published: 12 April 2016 Craig D. Perl & Jeremy E. Niven Differential organ growth during development is ...
Kanai A, Wood TC, Pollack FM, et al: The fine structure of sclerocornea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1971, 10: 687–94. CAS Google Scholar Kenyon KR and Maumenee AE : Further studies of congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy of the cornea. Am J Ophthalmol 1973, 76: 419–39. Article...
structure, and focus. These were not intended to be definitive classifications or limitations of the literature that was reviewed. Further analysis of the literature allowed organization of the articles by what measurements were taken and by what means. Criteria for assessing the contribution of the ...
This structure would be represented in the long format DF i a way as well, as the "grouping"/indexing would be done via [onset_time, duration]. However, would we want to add the information which kind of event it is (saccade or fixation)? Or is it good enough that this can be ...
Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the parts which suits the following descriptions relating to the-i) Photosensitive layer of the eyeii) Structure which is responsible for holding the eye lens in its positioniii)...
The lens is a biconvex, transparent structure present in the eye behind the pupil. The lens along with the cornea refracts the light, so as to focus it on the retina. By changing its shape, the lens is capable of changing the focal distance of the eye. Retina The retina is a ...
The antiviral agents as a group initially had been slow in developing. This is partly because the virus invades the cell structure; antivirals must therefore kill the virus without killing the cell and causing damage. By the time the virus has invaded, there is a time delay before signs or...
Contribution of macromolecular structure to the retention of low-density lipoprotein at arterial branch points Circulation, 117 (2008), pp. 2919-2927 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Lima et al., 2016 V.C. Lima, R.B. Rosen, M. Farah Macular pigment in retinal health and disease Int J Retina ...
structure.53 The surface of the human eye is covered by corneal epithelial cells, which regenerate from a small population of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) found in limbal epithelial crypts at the peripheral cornea.54 The human LAMA1 gene encodes an important basal membrane protein which ...