Private Financing Advisory Network Private Financing of Public Infrastructure Private Fire Alarm Private firm Private firm Private firm private first class private first class Private First Class In Charge Private First Class of Marines Private Fixed Services/Paging ▼Complete...
Abbr.Meaning ALT Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty Medical, Ophthalmology, Healthcare PRK Photorefractive Keratectomy Medical, Ophthalmology, Optics PPV Pars Plana Vitrectomy Medical, Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology SPK Superficial Punctate Keratitis Optics, Medical, Contact Lens NLP No Light Perception Medical, Ophthalm...
SEOUL, Jan. 15 (Korea Bizwire)—South Korean mobile carriers are seeking to boost their growing user base on the latest 5G network with the launch of Samsung Electronics Co.’s new flagshipGalaxy S21smartphones. The Galaxy S21 series started taking preorders Friday from Samsung and the countr...
Seniors Health Research Transfer Network Seniors Independence Research Program Seniors Info Plus Seniors In Retirement Seniors Keep in Touch Seniors Kick Ass Senior Software Engineering Manager Seniors On The Net Seniors Organized to Restore Trust Seniors Out Drinking Again Seniors Policies and Programs Data...
racquet,racket- a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games 4.bat- the club used in playing cricket; "a cricket bat has a narrow handle and a broad flat end ...
英義:1.[Network]Intranet(asystemofcomputersthatenablespeoplewithinanorganizationtocommunicatewitheachotherandshareinformation) 拼音/注音可以dreye辭典中找到相關辭條後各別複製組合,如上例可以先於辭典中找到「企業」的拼音/注音,再找「網路」的拼音/注音即可組成「企業網路」。(請勿自行任意以其它特殊輸入方式...
route print 显示出IP路由,将主要显示网络地址Network addres,子网掩码Netmask,网关地址Gateway addres,接口地址Interface arp 查看和处理ARP缓存,ARP是名字解析的意思,负责把一个IP解析成一个物理性的MAC地址。arp -a将显示出全部信息 start 程序名或命令 /max 或/min 新开一个新窗口并最大化(最小化)运行某程序...
信元 abbr_291b4a4a8b3528dec11638a28e7b86e7.rar 1.39 MB, 下载次数: 351 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元 上传者:drjiachen时间:2019-09-12 东方马达变频器FE100样本.rar 东方马达变频器FE100样本rar,东方马达变频器FE100样本 上传者:weixin_38743506时间:2019-09-19 ...
Define not bat an eye. not bat an eye synonyms, not bat an eye pronunciation, not bat an eye translation, English dictionary definition of not bat an eye. abbr. Bachelor of Arts in Teaching n. 1. A stout wooden stick; a cudgel. 2. A blow, such as one del
功能描述: UCS512T是512差分级联协议LED驱动芯片,灰度等级65536级,内置伽马校正2.2增强型模块,可选择1/2/3/4通道高精度恒流输出,UCS512T 解码技术精准解码DMX512信号,可兼容并拓展512协议信号,UCS512T对DMX512信号完全自适应解码,无需进行任何速度设置。级联距离可达350点*100米/点间距。芯片提供4个耐压30V...