In 2012, three studies tested the reliability of Bandler and Grinder’s claim about eye movement and truthfulness. In the first study, right-handed participants were filmed both while lying and telling the truth. Participants were aware that the study was related to lying, but were not told th...
Stimulation of the dorsal and dorsal lateral surfaces of the exposed cortex produced a downward contralateral deviation, while stimulation of the inferior lateral surface produced upward contralateral deviation. The demarcation line was indistinct. The same patterns of eye movement were found immediately ...
eye movement 美 英 un.眼球运动 网络眼动;视焦移动 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 眼球运动 例句 释义: 全部,眼球运动,眼动,视焦移动 更多例句筛选
Stationary periodic visual patterns (row of equally spaced dots or black-white stripes) of the period Ps illuminated stroboscopically with a flash frequency fs induce an apparent movement perception ( ['(extV)] = extk ·extPexts ·extfexts ·[deg·extsext - 1 ]\overline {ext{V}} = {...
The various exercises may be repeated with chart 110 positioned upside-down or in such manner that line 116 is vertically oriented, with either the left or right side of the chart at the top. In various positions, the degree of eye movement in the several directions necessary to follow vario...
Can eyes tell the truth? Can the analysis of human eye-movement data reveal psychological activities and uncover hidden information? Lying is a prevalent phenomenon in human society, but research has shown that people’s accuracy in identifying deceptive
“FEF” in the arcuate sulcus, while the “med-FEF” in the superior precentral sulcus would be homologous with the premotor eye movement region caudal to the arcuate sulcus of macaques (Schall et al., 2017). Such an assignment is opposite to the most often considered homologies that have ...
source of the arousal to uncover lying. Eyes that multi-blink where there are a quick succession of rapid eye movement usually signifies high stress and that a person is on the verge of tears. Other times a high eye blink rate means the eyes are dry or that something is stuck in the ...
In order to analyze the eye movement data, we define 18 areas of interest (AOIs), centered on the payoffs. All the AOIs have a circular shape with a size of 36000 pixels (Fig. 2). The AOIs cover only 23% of the game matrix area and never overlap. All the fixations that are no...
In: Klein C, Ettinger U (eds) Eye Movement research: an introduction to its scientific foundations and applications. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 277–308 Chapter Google Scholar Rayner K (1998) Eye movements in reading and information processing: 20 years of research. Psychol Bull...