Non-visual saccadic eye movement rate has been shown to be related to memory search, with searching information in long-term memory generating increased saccadic activity (Ehrlichman & Micic, 2012). According to fMRI research lying is associated with more long-term memory search than truth telling...
(Lying motionless on his back,) eyes staring up at the ceiling like a doll’s —Joseph Heller Eyes … steely as a bird’s —Jean Garrigue Eyes swollen with rage; they look like hard-cooked eggs —T. Coraghessan Boyle Eyes that looked as if they might warm up at the right time and ...
eye movement 美 英 un.眼球运动 网络眼动;视焦移动 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 眼球运动 例句 释义: 全部,眼球运动,眼动,视焦移动 更多例句筛选
Reading Eye-movement control Parafoveal-on-foveal effects 1. Introduction Visual inspection parameters during reading are subject to sources of influence that can be characterized to differing degrees as ‘local’ or ‘global’. Local properties are so defined because they relate to the properties of...
幼儿说谎的眼动研究A study on the eye movement of childrens lying 幼儿说谎的眼动研究 CHILDREN’SIYING ANEYE.TRACKINGRESEARCHON BEHAVIOR 作者姓名:张伟芳 Author:WeifangZhang 指导老师.I傅根跃教授 Fu Supervisor:ProfessorGenyue 学科(专业):学前教育学学 PreschoolEducation 浙,zN范大学杭州幼)LN范学院 of Teac...
stay focused too long while the head moves (like when you look into a mirror and move your head). This might happen for a few seconds if a character cannot take his eyes off something, but usuallythe eyes lead the head movementand only stick to something for a few frames during a ...
its constrictor and dilator muscles change the size of the pupil in response to varying amounts of light. The eye can distinguish nearly 8 million differences in color. As the eye ages, objects appear greener. The principal aspects of vision are color sense, light sense, movement, and form ...
Riverside《Rapid Eye Movement》 快速眼动 译者: @熊猫哥哥 到第三张歌词终于有些长进了。。。 1. Beyond The Eyelids 眼皮之外 We are none of us... 我们谁都不是 If I still believed in me I would lie If I had another chance I would try If I lost my dreams I would blame myself aga...
(i.e., first in humans and later verified in macaque monkeys) elicits head movements such that the head begins to move before the eyes which differs from the frontal eye fields for which the eyes begin to move before the head when and if a head movement is even evoked (Chen, 2006;...
The principal aspects of vision are color sense, light sense, movement, and form sense.PATIENT CAREWhen injury to the eye occurs, visual acuity is assessed immediately. If the globe has been penetrated, a suitable eye shield, not an eye patch, is applied. A penetrating foreign body should ...