Scully C Sjögren's syndrome: clinical and laboratory features, immunopathogenesis, and management. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1986;62510- 523PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 45. Fox PCAtkinson JCMacynski AA et al. Pilocarpine treatment of salivary gland hypofunction and dry mouth (xerostomia...
Energy Management / Savings: GRAFIK Eye lighting controls offer longer bulb life for incandescent sources, energy savings and increased productivity. Integration: Interfaces are available for seamless integration with audio/visual, security and other equipment. Visit the Lutron website,, ...
Wyeth prepared the submissions to the Ministries of Health and provided data management services until July 3, 2011. Pfizer was not further involved in this study in any way, including data verification or analysis and has not com- mented on this manuscript. Availability of data and materials ...
Simple and Complex Retinal Detachments How can we apply what I have been saying to the management of retinal detachment? Rhegmatogenous retinal detachments to my mind can be conveniently divided into simple retinal detachments where the cortical vitreous gel although detached is still intact and ...
Institute of Interorganisational Management and Performance, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 70599, Germany Johannes Gettinger Institute of Management Science, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 1040, Austria Sabine T. Koeszegi Corresponding author ...
management: 38 manager: 44 managers: 22 managing: 9 maneuver: 4 manhattan: 15 manifested: 4 manifesto: 6 manipulate: 5 manipulation: 3 manner: 9 manock: 10 mansion: 13 mantra: 7 manual: 9 manuals: 3 manufacture: 3 manufactured: 8 manufacturers: 14 manufacturing: 21 many: 130 map: 3 ...
4.4. Communication and Power Management Stage 4.4.1. USB Communication The proposed design uses bidirectional communication protocols for enabling the information exchange with the PC (via USB) and with the rest of the implemented blocks in the FPGA. A USB controller communicates the FPGA with the...
In Proceedings of the Technology Management: The New International Language, Portland, OR, USA, 27–31 October 1991. 40. He, Q. Knowledge discovery through co-word analysis. Libr. Trends 1999, 48, 133–133. 41. Liu, Z.; Yin, Y.; Liu, W.; Dunford, M. Visualizing the intellectual ...
Project Pompeii (POPMII) from France is a 3D content creation and management platform to help people easily build and launch a digital experience online. The idea of the project is to live a heritage experience in augmented reality. Konglomerate Games ...
(RoHS) Compliance 5-56 572 Environmental Requirements 5-56 Universal Serial Bus 30 Specification, Revision 10 x 573 Materials 5-57 58 Implementation Notes and Design Guides5-57 581 Mated Connector Dimensions 5-57 582 EMI Management 5-60 583 Stacked Connectors 5-60 6 Physical Layer 6-1 61 ...