As we observe the tragic events unfold in the Mediterranean, with hundreds, if not thou- sands, of fleeing migrants dying on a weekly basis, many are questioning Europe's response to this issue. Currently this consists of a haphazard and fragmented reaction with naval and merchant vessels ...
eye in the sky Overhead surveillance of some kind, such as a camera or a police helicopter.Guys, that store we robbed had an eye-in-the-sky—the cops are definitely going to find us!The eye-in-the-sky illuminated the fleeing suspect as officers pursued him on foot.As long as Channel...
Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Full browser? ▲ eye-catchingly eye-closure pupil reaction ...
To see the look in your eyes when you looked down. -看得到 -我的天 - Yeah. - Oh, my gosh. 因为我有并发症 所以很多事我都记不得了 I don't remember a lot of it because of my complications. 我对麻醉剂有很强烈的反应 I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia, ...
It was a sickly white colour, devoid of hue, but its hide quickly darkened, as if in reaction to the air. The creature’s eyes tore open to look upon the icy world into which it had been born—twelve pinpricks of hot, purple light, gathered in three clusters. ...
This is how we can move the telescope from one part of the sky to another part of the sky. Once we’ve moved the reaction wheels and we’ve moved the telescope so we’re in the right spot, now we have to get in the exact location to put the target in the science instrument apert...
Also in the iris are two muscles that dilate and contract the pupil, which plays the role of a diaphragm in the optical system of the eye—in the light it narrows (direct reaction to light), shielding the eye from strong light stimulation, and in the dark it dilates (inverse reaction ...
(direct reaction to light), shielding the eye from strong light stimulation, and in the dark it dilates (inverse reaction to light), permitting the eye to capture very faint light rays. The iris gives rise to the ciliary body, which secretes intraocular fluid and which consists of a ...
Many are just to polite or shy to admit they haven't even seen what they should. That could result in a meh reaction. Always have them tell you what they saw. Exactly. -did you see something? - uh yes I saw it -how did it look?