Eye in the Sky: Directed by Gavin Hood. With Faisa Hassan, Aisha Takow, Armaan Haggio, Helen Mirren. Col. Katherine Powell, a military officer in command of an operation to capture terrorists in Kenya, sees her mission escalate when a girl enters the kil
片 名天空之眼 上映时间2017年01月13日(内地) 导 演加文·胡德 又 名天空之眼 天眼行动(台) 天眼狙击(港) Eye in th... 编 剧盖伊·希伯特 主 演海伦·米伦亚伦·保尔阿伦·瑞克曼科林·费斯伊恩·格雷 剧情 凯瑟琳上校(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)率英国情报单位追捕一名女性恐怖分子长达... ...
2015年03月02日 导演 方骏钊 又名Eye In The Sky 编剧 肖国华 主演 郑嘉颖杨怡陈展鹏高海宁 剧情 人类与生俱来只有一双耳,一双眼,能见能看的,有限之极。基于人与人之间的不信任,俗称“... 导赏 该剧讲述司徒舜因涉嫌一宗纵火案离开了警队转投保安公司后与郑力行成为同事,两人渐渐成为好朋友。直至拥有...
Eye in the Skyis, fundamentally, a movie about intervention . . . and its consequences. Colonel Katherine Powell (Helen Mirren, “Woman in Gold”) has been tracking, tracing and trying to take out of her naughty list an English woman radicalized by her formerly radicalized husband (numbers 2...
Eye In The Sky remains gripping through this effective formula. You see direction and editing go hand in hand just to make you give the chills of a chase scene by staying in one room among the same characters and the same objectives. That last part, the objective, that endorses the film...
Eye in the Sky (2015) 7/10 A thoroughly gripping film and a consciousness raising experience. 7 April 2016 The war film genre enables us to confront the realities of war by venting our inner fears and indulging our conceits of victory. But there are many kinds of war film. Depending on...
Eye in the Sky (2015) Dro on April 20th, 2017 8/10 最为一部特工暗杀片其实挺好的,剧情也丝丝入扣,只是最后你妹政治正确装到恶心了,找一个这么心地善良的导弹发射员和这么慈眉善目的大姐做行动指导,不是给自己找不自在吗。看到最后确实被恶心到了,英美你俩最善良了人间四月天好了吧。
《天空之眼Eye in the Sky》这部电影就是那个著名的“电车难题”的无人机版,这里面那个失控的电车就...
Alan Rickman stars as Lt. General Frank Benson in Gavin Hood's"Eye in the Sky," a Bleecker...Strauss, Bob
Eye in the sky : introduction to remote sensing The 2016 film, Eye in the Sky (Eye), features contestation among lawyers, politicians, and military personnel as to law's values, meanings, and consequences. In other words, Eye is animated by jurisprudence. As jurisprudence, Eye represe... ...