Define Eye floater. Eye floater synonyms, Eye floater pronunciation, Eye floater translation, English dictionary definition of Eye floater. n. 1. One that floats or is capable of floating. 2. One who wanders; a drifter. 3. An employee who is reassigned f
Eye floaters are tiny spots, specks, lines or shapes that enter into your field of vision, appearing to float in front of the eye. They may seem like distant objects, but they are actually the shadows of cells and fibers inside the vitreous, or ge...
As you age, the protein fibers that make up the vitreous shrink into little shreds that clump together. The shadows they cast on your retina are floaters. If you see a flash, it’s because the vitreous has pulled away from the retina. If the floaters are new or have dramatically changed...
Eye floaters are something everyone is familiar with – they are little black spots in the vision that move or float when a person moves their eyes. When you try to focus on the spots, they seem to move quickly out of the visual field. The medical term for eye floaters is muscae volit...
Floaters and Flashes, Do you have a retinal detachment? Floaters in Eye Small specks or clouds moving in your field of vision are called floaters. You may
Our goal at About Eye Floaters is to educate people about eye floaters and general eye health. Take action today; learn how to get rid of eye floaters!
Floaters are opacities that usually appear spontaneously in the field of vision of one or both eyes. They can intermittently obstruct central vision or appear as false objects moving in the peripheral visual field. Floater Stories allows you to hear dire
Floaters and flashes in the eyes are often a symptom for a detached retina or retinal disease. Consult our eye experts in Orange County.
Patient has decreased acuity, floaters in one eyeHowitt, Jamey
Eye floaters are annoying specs and shapes that drift in front of your eyes. Learn what causes floaters and eye flashes — and how to get rid of them.