Recall bias. Did people actually report what really happened (opium consumption in this case, meat consumption in the context of the papers being cited by What The Health). Recall bias is such an issue many people have called for the abolishment of this type of stuff entirely.http://www.ej...
at a different place, today’s catalyst would be just another average tragedy added to the long list of previous tragedies, like the killing ofAhmaud Arbery, for instance. Horrible to see, yes, but just chalk it up as another brown man killed for being brown, the wrong man in the wrong...
recall: 10 recalled: 415 recalling: 3 receive: 4 received: 6 recent: 3 recently: 10 recipe: 3 recipients: 3 reciprocated: 3 reclaim: 3 recognition: 3 recognize: 4 recognized: 3 recommend: 3 recommended: 4 record: 27 recorded: 5 recording: 5 records: 3 recounted: 21 recounting: 5 ...
This great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. The control itself has all the events and properties that you need.48 , xgraphmeter.zipThis is XGraphMeter, a bargraph/meter control good for displaying constantly changing values such as CPU...
This great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. The control itself has all the events and properties that you need.48 , xgraphmeter.zipThis is XGraphMeter, a bargraph/meter control good for displaying constantly changing values such as CPU...
multiple-list: 1 multiply: 1 multiplying: 1 multitasking: 2 mum: 1 mumble: 1 mumbled: 1 mumbling: 1 mumford: 3 mundane: 1 munich: 2 muppeteer: 1 mural: 1 murder: 1 murdoch: 38 murky: 3 murmured: 3 murmuring: 1 murmurings: 1 murphy: 2 murray: 33 muscle: 1 muse: 3 museum: 7...