Dr. Scott Conroy & Associates “Our mission is to honor the trust you have placed in us by improving quality of life through the enhancement of your vision. We will always strive to honor this commitment through our professional services and recommendations to you, our patients, in a truly ...
1545 W. Plano Pkwy. Plano, TX 75075 CALL US: 972-437-3937 EMERGENCY? Click here! HOME ABOUT US SERVICES RESOURCES REFERRING VETERINARIANS CONTACT US BLOG More NEW CLIENT FORM WELCOME TO ANIMAL EYE SPECIALISTS! Dr. Stephanie Beaumont, DACVO and her staff welcome you to Animal Eye Specialists...
This work was supported by NIH Grants R01 EY012200 (AC), EY014237 (AC), EY014626 (KPM), and EY014626 (Oakland ERI), OU-William Beaumont Multi- disciplinary Award (KPM). AC is a recipient of the Irma T Hirschl Career Scientist Award. References Acharya MR, Sparreboom A, Venitz J,...
Mack WP, Stasior GO, Cao HJ, Stasior OG, Smith TJ. The effect of cigarette smoke constituents on the expression of HLA-DR in orbital fibroblasts derived from patients with Graves ophthalmopathy. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 1999;15(4):260–71. ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Bartalena L, ...