Medicine can be a tough road (it was for me) but itisgetting better. Schools are embracing the online world of “new media” and I believe the quality of medical education is improving every year. Younger doctors are improving the academic landscape of medical school and the trickle-down cul...
New Mexico Date last verified: July 2022 Visual Acuity: 20/40 in the better eye, with or without corrective lenses. 20/80 in the better eye with restrictions. Visual Field: 120 degrees in the horizontal meridian, with at least 30 degrees in the nasal field of one eye....
Doctors can no longer find the tumor in my lungs, and I continue to heal daily. I don't think I would have made it without Rapid Eye. My once a week RET sessions not only made it possible to cope with my diagnosis of cancer, I believe it also has given me a clean bill of ...
A day at the fair Mariner's big trip CHRVS ER CORPORATION Five.year-old Edward Echevarria, center, become~ an goodness VIP, a~ he and other happy HP kid~, Johnny Ricci, left, and William Johnson, peer out of Chrysler exhibit at Fair. A child's wide-eye A LICE ...