” a short story by Artem Chapeye. “A hate-love, some might say. A love with a dash of masochism, I used to say. A love in defiance of pain, she used to say.” As a Ukrainian American who has been traveling to Ukraine regularly for twenty years, I immediately recognized the affe...
Campo is an internal medicine specialist who sees patients with complex chronic conditions. I, like some of Campo’s colleagues, wondered how there was room for poetry in the very short time doctors get to spend with their patients. Campo explained to me that he uses poems to build trust ...
patients: 2 patio: 2 patricia: 2 patrick: 1 patron: 1 pattern: 3 patterns: 7 patton: 8 patty: 5 paul: 83 paulsen: 2 pause: 10 paused: 15 pauses: 2 paved: 1 paving: 1 paw: 1 pay: 50 payback: 2 paycheck: 1 paying: 11 payment: 4 payments: 2 payout: 2 paypal: 2 payroll:...
EDUCATION NEW HORIZONS COMPUTER LEARNING CENTERS: Steven Wood to sales manager; Vanna Robbins to enterprise account executive. FINANCE DOLLAR BANK FSB: John Solich to vice president, commercial real estate. FIRST PLACE BANK: David G. Cogswell to chief credit officer. FIRSTMERIT CORP.: Kathy S. ...