摘要 1典型病例患者,女,未婚,20岁.因腹痛,腹泻2h就诊.患者缘于2h前因食用西瓜后出现腹痛,呈持续性,腹泻约4次,呈稀糊状,同时伴有恶心,呕吐2次,呕吐物为胃内容物.无药物过敏史,月经史:月经期否认有性生活史,既往史体健.查体:体温3... 关键词宫外孕 / 误诊 / ...
Objective: Growing evidence suggested an association between aortic valve sclerosis (AVSc) and cardiovascular (CV) events. However, little is known about the association of AVSc with major markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. We performed a meta-analysis of literature studies to address this issue...
当前规格: 理光(RICOH)fi-8150U A4 馈纸式扫描仪 高速自动双面扫描 50页/分钟商品介绍 完善信息 规格 查看更多 感光元件 CIS 分辨率 600dpi 类型 馈纸式 好价爆料 (5) 相关文章 (5) 全网口碑 发现 方正Founder S8660 国产扫描仪A4高速双面自动进纸 支持国产系统麒麟、统信 60页120面/分钟 企业...
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预展时间:12月26日(周四)10:00—12月29日(周日)10:00 拍卖时间:12月29日(周日)10:00—12月29日(周日)22:00现可出价 快递保价到付参拍方式微信小程序“拍宝适珍”扫描上方二维码 进入小程序京文物许可〔2024〕2498号 预展拍品介绍 lot:1 明代 铜鎏金弥勒坐像 H...
外部播放此歌曲> Tsey Shek - Match Free 专辑:Electrification Pedro 歌手:Tsey Shek 还没有歌词哦
摘要: Journal of Ethology - This small-scale study aimed to preliminarily explore the potential of leadership in group movements in cattle for improving uniformity of grazing distribution of the group on...关键词:Cattle Group composition Social foraging Leader Follower Grazing distribution ...
London-The North Sea oil and gas industry needs to go beyond pledges to cut emissions from its operations and take a central role in the UK's effort to transition to net zero emissions to ensure its future, the head of Shell's UK upstream business, Steve Phimister, said June 23. Speakin...