The EY Net Zero Centre brings together EY’s intellectual property, strategic insight, expertise and deep knowledge in energy and climate change leadership to solve the big problems ahead as we move towards net zero emissions by 2050.
In the EY Net Zero Centre’s latest thought leadership paper, Powering progress: How Australia can fast-track energy transmission projects for a renewable future, we examine why so many transmission projects have stalled, and look at the levers we can pull to speed up delivery. Powering progress...
To reach net zero in 2025, we will continue to deliver on our seven-point plan to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with our Science Based Targets initiative SBTi1-validated 1.5°C degree pathway. We aim to reduce our total global emissions by 40% by FY25 (from the FY...
EY provides consulting, assurance, tax and transaction services that help solve our client’s toughest challenges and build a better working world for all.
Better environmental, social and governance (ESG) insight and data analytics could be critical to delivering long-term value. Find out more.
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Ist die Chemieindustrie dafür gewappnet? Ich fange mal mit der positiven Antwort an. Wenn die chemische Industrie nicht dafür gewappnet ist, welche dann? Wir haben den riesigen Vorteil, durch unser Verbund-Denken immer die ganze Kette im Blick zu behalten, und mit unserem chemischen und ...
Folge 10 - Compliance-, Risiko- und HSE-Management als gefährliche Routinen Dieser Podcast hinterfragt die Rolle von trügerischen Routinen in Präventions-, Detektions- und Ermittlungsprozessen, die uns nur das sehen lassen, was wir erwarten. ...