AMM安曼 TerritoryJordan-Amman EtihadAirways-CrystalCargo Tel:+96264680100 Fax:+96264680104 Address: Shmeisani AbdulhameedSharafStr,Jerusalim InsuranceCompanyBuilding P.O.Box3098,Tla'aAli11953 Amman-Jordan Manager:EsmatAzzam CustomerService&Reservation
Microland Microland is an Indian IT company with its registered office in Bangalore, India, focusing on Digital Networks, Digital Computing, Digital Application, Digital Workplace and Cyber Security with global data centers. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) TCS is a global provider of IT services, ...
The company she founded in 1978 with just US$500 is a pioneer of Bangalore’s technology hub. Pamela Spence, EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader, invited Dr. Mazumdar Shaw for a discussion and began by asking what prompted her to start her own business: ...
Toyota Tsusho's mission is to continually address society's changing needs, create new business models, and deliver new value to markets and society. We are also continuing efforts to build a company that is trusted by all of its stake- holders and to increase corporate value. Based on this...
The company she founded in 1978 with just US$500 is a pioneer of Bangalore’s technology hub. Pamela Spence, EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader, invited Dr. Mazumdar Shaw for a discussion and began by asking what prompted her to start her own business: In 2020, Dr...
Dr. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw shared her journey of overcoming challenges as a businesswoman, Biocon’s approach toward COVID-19, and the meaning of “compassionate capitalism.” Read moreRead less About this article EY Global Ernst & Young Global Ltd. ...