La competizione a carattere nazionale e internazionale dedicata a laureande interessate a intraprendere una carriera nel team Strategy and Transactions di EY. Obiettivo 5: i nostri dati La leadership al femminile fa bene all’azienda, ma la parità ai vertici è ancora lontana. Una ricerc...
Consultant 地点 不限 按类别评分 3.2工作生活平衡 4.1薪资和福利 4.0职位稳定性与晋升机会 3.8管理方式 3.9企业文化 搜索评论 排序方式 评分时间 语言 已找到符合搜索的8条评价查看 49 条评论 5.0 Educating and rewarding Consultant(在职员工)-Boston-2025年2月18日 ...
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EY Canada Managing Partner, Tax Committed to leading a team of more than 1,500 tax professionals delivering quality and innovation to our clients. Avid cyclist and traveller. Father. Montréal, CAN Contact us Like what you’ve seen? Get in touch to learn more. ...
Dans son édition 2023 sur l’indice de performance logistique, la France pointe au 13e rang, loin de notre voisin – et rival économique – allemand, qui se positionne en quatrième place. Comment progresser dans ce classement international de référence ? La Banque mondiale relève une tendan...
17 Juli 2024Tobias Dendler+1 Perspektiven Interim Management: Management auf Zeit Interim Management von EY-Parthenon: Ihr Partner bei allen Fragen zum Thema Management auf Zeit – maßgeschneidert und persönlich. Erfahren Sie mehr. 11 Aug. 2024 ...
Il report EY Fintech Waves sottolinea che l'ecosistema italiano del fintech è sempre più maturo e in costante crescita, tra investimenti internazionali, partnership strategiche, startup innovative, nuovi prodotti e servizi Tra i settori maggiormente interessati dalla trasformazione digitale c'è ...
You’ll have the knowledge and experience to help companies keep pace and pay the right amount of tax, in the right countries, at the right time. Multicultural thinking, teaming and working are at the heart of our shared success. You’ll work closely with colleagues across borders, using ...
How EY-Parthenon can Help Supply chain reinvention Supply Chain Reinvention helps clients effect a fundamental change in their performance to support sales growth, become more cost-competitive, minimize risk and improve operational resilience. Read more ...