ExxonMobil Product Solutions holds leadership positions in some of the largest-volume/highest growth commodity petrochemical products and polymer products.
ExxonMobil Product Solutions presents industry perspectives, technology breakthroughs and application developments for petrochemical products in easy-to-consume formats. Upcoming webinars Maximize fuel economy and energy efficiency Groundbreaking SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO provides unprecedented low viscosity/low volatil...
of ExxonMobil chemical products advance sustainability benefits, including agricultural films that increase crop yield, extend shelf life and decrease food waste 1 billion pounds of advanced plastic recycling capacity planned to be built by year-end 2026 ...
ExxonMobil Product Solutions holds leadership positions in some of the largest-volume/highest growth commodity petrochemical products and polymer products.
ExxonMobil's three primary businesses provide products that enable modern life, including energy, chemicals, lubricants, and lower-emissions technologies. We have an industry-leading portfolio of resources, and we're one of the largest integrated fuels, lubricants and chemical companies in the world....
ExxonMobil Chemical Company has been at the forefront of the industry for more than 40 years, providing innovative polymer solutions that meet the changing needs of nonwovens producers and their customers worldwide. Through a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and trends, ExxonMobil Chemical...
1. 埃克森美孚化工 埃克森美孚化工(ExxonMobil Chemical)是世界一流的石化公司,作为一家在聚烯烃领域居领先地位的生产商,可以提供涵盖传 … www.cndchem.com|基于186个网页 2. 美国埃克森美孚化工 美国埃克森美孚化工(exxonmobil chemical)碳氢溶剂:已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:脱芳香烃烷烃溶剂(Dearomatised) …...
现货Santoprene™ 201-64 TPV ExxonMobil Chemical 产品说明: 它是热塑性弹性体(TPE)系列中的一种软质、可着色、通用型热塑性硫化弹性体(TPV)。这种材料同时具有良好的物理性质和耐化学性,适用于广泛的领域。这一牌号的山都平 TPV 是剪切速率依赖型产品,可在常规热塑性注塑成型、挤出成型或吹塑成型设备上加工。
ExxonMobil Chemical Company 公司Search Industry Refine Search Search Filter Help 我要查找… 產品 (31) 產品類型 基料/ 樹脂 (21) 添加劑 (8) 中間體 (6) 支持樣品申請 AB Specialty Silicones ACME 艾克米 ADDAPT Chemicals BV Aditya Birla Aekyung Petrochemical Co., Ltd. AlzChem American ...
网络埃克森美孚化工 网络释义 1. 埃克森美孚化工 雅式中国塑料橡胶网 - CPRJ 中国塑料橡胶 -... ... 爱卡公司 ECKART GMBH埃克森美孚化工EXXONMOBIL CHEMICAL ASIA… www.adsalecprj.com|基于27个网页