出海的精彩之旅 🚤 我报的是Robert's Island Adventures的Full Day Exuma Cays Adventure Group Tour。这个团真的很小众,但体验感满分。早上8点会有车来酒店接你,然后坐快艇出发。快艇上会提供饮料和酒水,畅饮不限量。中午的自助餐是去另一个小岛吃的,食物非常丰富,有BBQ猪肋排、鸡腿鸡翅、色拉水果、肉圆、酒水...
Explore Exuma Escapes Bahamas for unforgettable vacation adventures in the Bahamas. Join us for Swimming Pigs Excursions and more. Book your excursion from Nassau today!
Bahamas water tours, excursions and adventures across all of Exuma Cays, Great Exuma, and Little Exuma including scuba diving, deep sea fishing, reef fishing, snorkel a sunken drug plane, feed the iguanas, swim with the nurse sharks, admire starfish bay,
Guided Kayaking Adventures Exuma Cays Tours Scuba Diving Snorkeling Amenities Here’s the list of most popular facilities offered. Outdoors Outdoor Pool (all year) Sun Terrace Outdoor pool BBQ Facilities Garden Internet Wired internet is available ...
The Cays to Exuma6.72公里 伊苏马国际机场11.95公里 价格说明 划线价格为参考价,该价格指商品或服务的门市价、服务提供商的指导价、零售价或该商品或服务曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价;由于产品信息实时更新、市场价格波动等可能会与您预订时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
Don't miss the limited offer on a terrific Exuma Pigs Tours with Sunfill Adventures. Book now to experience this remarkable excursion like never before.
Secluded Beach Tours Snorkeling in Bahamian Cays Follow Us Follow us on social media to stay updated about everything that is happening at Island Boy Adventures. Join our Newsletter send Copyright © 2024 Island Boy Adventures – All Rights Reserved....
Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park 2.3 自然山水 直线距离<100m 猪岛 7.0 4.4 分 14条点评 岛屿漫步 直线距离<100m 免费 Thunderball Grotto 2.4 自然山水 直线距离1.1km 查看全部 天堂岛 Paradise Island 景点所属目的地 热门推荐 重点推荐 目的地 景点 美食 地标 问答 摩洛哥旅游菲律宾旅...
Island Boy Adventures161 米 Straw Market353 米 Blue Cat Charters158 米 Out-Island Explorers Day Charters74 米 St. Andrew's Anglican Church441 米 Exuma Mobile Massage & Yoga1.09公里 Hoopers Bay5.5公里 Stocking Island2.57公里 Jolly Hall Beach3.04公里 ...
25% off online til ed of March! Swimming pigs & stingrays, sharks & iguanas in the Exuma Cays. No public docks & crowded beaches - private island.